Obesity and Media 
The concept of mass media refers collectively to all media technologies, which are used for mass communication as well as to all social organisations which control these technologies. Mass-media technologies may be divided into two major groups: traditional media: newspapers, books, magazines and radio, television which are characterised as providing one-way transmission of messages from sender to audience
The Environment And Physical Activity 
Until recently, obesity research has mainly focused on biological and behavioral factors. However, there is growing agreement among researchers that the social and physical environment may play an important role as well. Certain aspects of the environment may promote or discourage physical activity and therefore have an influence on children’s body weight. The purpose of this chapter is to give an overview
Sara D’Haese
Greet Cardon
Benedicte Deforche
Law, Healthy Diets and Obesity Prevention 
The WHO Action Plan on the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) for 2013-2020 recognizes that legal instruments have a role to play in reaching the 2025 voluntary targets Member States have unanimously endorsed, including the halt in the rise of childhood obesity and Type II diabetes. Even though it does not detail how the law could come into play, it nonetheless identifies a range of areas
Tackling Child And Adolescent Obesity: An Economical Challenge 

Childhood obesity is currently one of the biggest burdens of our society, not only in the West, but worldwide. According to a 2014 study, roughly 110 million children in the world can be considered as obese and a further 200 million as overweight . These depressing figures cannot be ignored and they call for immediate actions by governments to find appropriate solutions