Sharing Experts Knowledge For Free: An Initiative Of The European Childhood Obesity Group

Why An Urgent Need To Share?

  1. Knowledge has amazingly accumulated since 20 years making the disease one of the most complexes ever faced. Many fields of research have merged in order to understand how child and adolescents obesity develop and can be faced.
  2. Obesity has become the most widespread non communicable disease in children and adolescents. In some countries one child out of five is already obese at the age of 3 years’ old World Health Organization (WHO) reports.
  3. Situation is still degrading in many parts of the world.
  4. Progress relies on strategies integrating discoveries. Sharing knowledge has become urgent in order to improve prevention, cares and enhance dissemination of up to date information.


What Is The ECOG?

The European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG) founded in 1991 by paediatricians ( has an unique experience in this field.
Since 20 years its members have built an European network in order to better understand, evaluate, prevent and treat child and adolescent obesity.
Altogether the ECOG members have published more than 1,000 papers focusing on child and adolescent obesity indexed in Pub med and taken part to several major national and international meetings, expertises and studies.
A first common book was published at Cambridge University Press in 2002. Annual meetings abstracts and position papers are published in indexed journals.


Who Are The Experts?

57 ECOG members or friends and acknowledged specialists belonging to famous Medicine and Science Universities and Research Institutes in 12 European countries, WHO and International Obesity task Force (IOTF) write the book covering all relevant fields in order to face the epidemics and take care of the children.
Each expert focuses on his dedicated field of competence and delivers the most updated information and view on the topic.
An updating process will be settled.


The First Free Reference eBook On Child And Adolescent Obesity!

In 2014 ECOG launches a new unique world initiative: a free eBook on child and adolescent obesity intended for all those who as doctors, psychologists, physical activity specialists, nutritionists, health workers, policy makers need a clear updated set of information.
The whole book or separate chapters can be downloaded from the ECOG website for free.
Chapters are independent. A research by keywords allows finding relevant information.


How To Use This eBook?

Anyone with a general medical or scientific background can use this book.
This book gives the opportunity to enhance knowledge in a specific field and to easily discover related aspects of the disease.
It is also intended to be a teaching tool.
Each chapter is available in pdf form and associated to Power point slides to enable readers teaching and disseminating valuable knowledge.
The book is divided in 11 chapters including 75 easy to read sections with up to date bibliography.


Which Fields Are Covered?

All fields required to reach an in-depth understanding of child and adolescent obesity are covered in 9 chapters.
In each chapter, sections help the reader to focus on points of interest:
Epidemiology & Prevention Across Europe
Society, Communication, Environment & Obesity
Growth Charts & Body Composition
Nutrition, Food Choices & Eating Behavior
Psychological Assesment & Disturbances
Clinics & Complications
Energy Expenditure & Physical Activity
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