Andrea Vania

Andrea Vania

Article(s) published in the ECOG eBook:


PROF. Andrea Vania born in Rome (Italy), 17th August 1957

Paediatrician since 1986 (graduated in 1982), Full Researcher and Aggregate Professor at the Dept. of Paediatrics and Paediatric Neuropsychiatry of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine of “Sapienza” Rome University. Author or co-author of more than 600 items including published papers and lectures, over 180 of which are of international relevance, and about 90 of which are books’ chapters / Congress Proceedings. The up-to-dated IF is around 200. At clinical level, Responsible for the Centre for Paediatric Nutrition and Dietetics in the same Dept. Main teaching activity at the Graduation Course “E” of Medicine and Course “R” of Nursing, both of “Sapienza” Rome University, with the charge of coordinating and teaching in the Paediatric Course; besides, he also teaches in the Dietetics Medical School. Teacher also at two Post-Graduation Schools, in Paediatrics and in Nutritional Sciences. Past Vice-Head of the Paediatric Nursing Medical School, where he was also teacher of the Paediatric Course. Organizer and teacher at the 7th-13th Upgrading Course in Paediatric Nutrition. President of ECOG (European Childhood Obesity Group) for the years 2010-2013, presently Past-President of it, as well as of the EAPE (European Association for Paediatric Education, presently: Honorary Member), member of the Boards of SINUPE (Società Italiana di Nutrizione Pediatrica – Italian Society for Paediatric Nutrition), SIMA (Società Italiana di Medicina dell’Adolescenza – Italian Society for Adolescent’s Medicine) and SIO-Lazio (Società Italiana Obesità, Sezione Lazio – Obesity Italian Society, Regional Branch of Latium); besides, ordinary member of several National Scientific Societies (SIPPS – Italian Society of Preventive Paediatrics, SINU – Italian Society for Human Nutrition, ADI – Italian Association of Dietology, SIO – Obesity Italian Society). Coordinator of the Transversal Group for Paediatric Age, in the Joint Committee for the Version 2014 of the Italian RDA. Involved until 2014 as an expert in the CME Programme of the Italian Health Ministry, and component since 2015 of the CNSA (National Committee for Food Safety) of the same Ministry. Co-founder of the Non-Profit Associations A.M.I.C.Infanzia and G.I.S.C. Invited as an Opinion Leader by several Broadcasting Programmes of the National TV and radio chains RAI. Responsible and/or expert of various websites interacting with the audience in topics related to Paediatric Nutrition (;; Main interest areas are: Paediatric Obesity, Paediatric Nutrition, Paediatrics in general, Human Nutrition, Paediatric Psychology, Teaching Aspects of Paediatrics, Adolescentology; other interests, mainly in the past time: Paediatric Haematology, Gastroenterology, Infectious Diseases, Immunology.