Sophie Nicklaus, PhD is a Research Director at INRA (French National Institute of Agricultural Research), in the Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l’Alimentation (Center for Taste and Feeding Behaviour), in Dijon, France. She received her PhD in Food Science from the University of Burgundy. She has been studying children’s eating behaviour for the past 15 years, looking at the role of food-related inputs (sensory properties, energy density) in the development and evolution of infants and children’s liking and food intake, using experimental and epidemiological approaches. She is in particular interested in understanding the impact of early eating experiences on later behaviour. She participated in the EU-funded HabEat project, coordinates the OPALINE birth cohort (Observatory of food preferences in infants and children), and participates in the « feeding » group of the ELFE birth cohort (French Longitudinal Study since infancy), where she leads the analysis of complementary feeding data. Homepage: |
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