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Grace O’Malley is a Senior Chartered Physiotherapist working as part of the obesity management team at Temple Street Children’s University Hospital. She completed a PhD in Epidemiology and Public Health at University College Cork. This work focused on the design, implementation and evaluation of multi-disciplinary interventions for adolescent obesity. She received a 2008 Fulbright award to Yale University School of Medicine, where she undertook clinical research into the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes in children who are obese. She graduated with a BSc Physiotherapy in 2004 and MSc 2006 from the University of Dublin, Trinity College. Her clinical interests include: paediatric obesity assessment, treatment strategies and the impact of obesity on the health of the developing child. Research interests include the effect of obesity on the musculoskeletal health of the child and the use of web 2.0 technologies to optimise care of children who are obese. She is the elected Irish representative of the European Childhood Obesity Group and the European Childhood Obesity Task Force and Chairs the Association for the Study of Obesity on the Island of Ireland. For further details see: |
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