Meet the Authors


Wolfgang Ahrens

Department of Epidemiological Methods and Etiologic Research, Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology – BIPS Bremen, Germany

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Maria-Christina Antoniou

Pediatric Endocrinology, Diabetology and Obesity Unit, Lausanne University Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland

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Mouna Akrout

Assistant professor, University Manar II at the ESSTST Ecole Supérieure des Sciences et Techniques de la Santé, Tunis 1995-2014

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Jean-Philippe Antignac

Dr. Jean-Philippe Antignac is engineer and PhD graduated in analytical chemistry, and a scientist belonging to the National Institute of Agronomic Research (INRA).

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Julien Aucouturier

Julien Aucouturier is assistant professor at the Faculty of Sports Sciences and Physical Education, at Lille 2 University (France).


Isabelle Bailleul-Forestier

Pr Isabelle Bailleul-Forestier, DDS, PhD, is a professor and head of the department of Pediatric Dentistry at Dental Faculty, Toulouse University, France.

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Robert Barouki

Robert Barouki is a biochemist and molecular biologist whose main research focus during the last fifteen years has been understanding the mechanisms of toxicity of environmental pollutants such as dioxin.

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Linda Birnbaum

Director, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and National Toxicology Program

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Emma Boyland

Dr Emma Boyland is a Lecturer in Appetite and Obesity at the University of Liverpool.


Caroline Braet

Caroline Braet, Ph.D., is a professor in the Department of Developmental, Personality, and Social Psychology at Ghent University in Belgium.

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João Breda

João Breda is a PhD in Nutritional Sciences from Porto University. He graduated in Nutritional Sciences also at Porto University.

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Marie Françoise Rolland-Cachera

MF Rolland-Cachera is a doctor in nutrition. Her main field of research is the epidemiology of childhood obesity, body composition, nutritional determinants of obesity, treatment and prevention.

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Greet Cardon

Greet Cardon is Full Professor at the Department of Movement and Sport Sciences at Ghent University in the field of physical activity and health.


Margherita Caroli

Head of Nutrition Unit, Department of Prevention ASL Brindisi, Italy Assistant Professor, Centre of Paediatric Nutrition and Dietetics, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy

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Saverio Cinti

Saverio Cinti is medical doctor and full professor of anatomy in School of Medicine at University of Ancona since 1986.

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Karine Clément

Prof Karine Clément is full professor of Nutrition, Division of Cardiometabolism, Pitié-Salpêtrière university hospital, Paris 6 Pierre et Marie Curie university, Paris.

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Emmanuel Cohen

Postdoctoral Research Fellow UMI 3189 “Environnement, Santé, Sociétés” Faculté de médecine, secteur nord, 51 bd Pierre Dramard. F 13344 Marseille cedex 15


Samuele Cortese

Dr. Cortese’s main interests include the neurobiology of ADHD and the implementation of evidence based medicine in child psychiatry.

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Gianpaolo De Filippo

Pediatric Endocrinology & Adolescent Medicine Unit, Bicêtre Hospital, Paris 11 University, France

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Benedicte Deforch

Benedicte Deforche is Full Professor of Health Promotion at Ghent University. She has a PhD in Physical Education and Movement Sciences.

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Mercedes de Onis

Dr Mercedes de Onis is the Coordinator of the Growth Assessment and Surveillance Unit of the Department of Nutrition at the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva.


Susanne Ring-Dimitriou

Obesity Academy Austria Department of Sports Science and Kinesiology, Paris Lodron University, Salzburg, Austria

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Beatrice Dubern

Dr Beatrice Dubern, MD, PhD is assistant professor in the department of pediatric nutrition and gastroenterology at Trousseau hospital in Paris, France.

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Claude Emond

Dr. Claude Emond is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health at the University of Montreal, Canada, and Associate Professor at the ISE at the UQAM.

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Éva Erhardt

Éva Erhardt was born and educated in Pécs, studied Medicine at the University of Pécs. After her graduation she was trained in Paediatrics and then Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetology.


Marie-Laure Frelut

Marie-Laure Frelut is a Pediatrician. She became involved in the field of childhood obesity in the 1990s when she had to run an inpatient unit for severely obese adolescents.

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Amandine Garde

Amandine Garde is Professor of Law at the University of Liverpool.

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Elisabeth Ardelt-Gattinger

Department of Psychology, Paris Lodron University, Salzburg, Austria Obesity Academy Austria

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Erich Gattinger

Department of Psychology, Paris Lodron University, Salzburg, Austria Obesity Academy Austria

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Joana Goméz-Odriozola

Joana Goméz-Odriozola is a research assistant in the Department of Clinical and Health Psychology and Research Methodology at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU, Spain).


Lien Goossens

Lien Goossens graduated in July 2004 as a Clinical Psychologist at Ghent University (Ghent, Belgium).

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Sara D’Haese

Sara D’Haese is a Ph.D. student, supervised by Prof. Dr. Greet Cardon and Prof. Dr. Ilse De Bourdeaudhuij, at Ghent University at the Department of Movement and Sport Sciences.

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Jason Halford

Professor Jason Halford is Head of the Department of Psychological Sciences at the University of Liverpool, former Chair of the UK Association for the Study of Obesity – ASO (, and Treasurer of the European Association of Obesity (EASO).

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Joanne Harrold

Dr Joanne Harrold is a Senior Lecturer in Appetite and Obesity in the Department of Psychological Sciences, University of Liverpool.


Jenna Hollis

Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health, Foresterhill Campus, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen AB252ZD UK

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Claude Marcel Hladik

Emeritus Research Director at the CNRS UMR 7206 Eco-Anthropologie et Ethnobiologie

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Sylvie Issanchou

Sylvie Issanchou, PhD is a Research Director at INRA, in the Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l’Alimentation, in Dijon, France.

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Jo Jewell

Jo Jewell is currently working as a Nutrition Policy Consultant within the Division of Noncommunicable Diseases and the Lifecourse at the WHO Regional Office for Europe.


Claudine Junien

INRA, UMR1198 Biologie du Développement et Reproduction, F-78350 Jouy-en-Josas, France

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Min Ji Kim

Min Ji Kim studied, during her PhD, the adipose tissue dysfunctions in obesity and antiretroviral therapy-induced lipodystrophies at the University of Paris 6 and at INSERM.

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Susanna Kugelberg

Susanna Kugelberg is a Technical Officer, working within the Division of Noncommunicable Diseases and the Lifecourse at the WHO Regional Office for Europe.

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Michele La Merrill

Michele La Merrill conducts integrated toxicological and epidemiological studies to understand susceptibility to environmental diseases.


Julie Latomme

Julie Latomme graduated in July 2014 as an Experimental Psychologist at Ghent University (Ghent, Belgium).

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Stefano Lazzer

Stefano Lazzer received a Bachelor in Sport Sciences at the University of Padova (Italy) in 1996, and a Master in Sport Sciences at the University of Grenoble (France) in 1998.

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Bruno Le Bizec

Prof. Dr. Bruno Le Bizec, is graduated from Nantes University as a Doctor in Analytical Chemistry (PhD, 1995).

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Wendy Van Lippevelde

Zakstraat 9, 9300 Aalst East-Flanders, Belgium Mobile phone: +32 (0) 486 155580 / Email:


Tim Lobstein

Dr Tim Lobstein is the Head of Policy at the World Obesity Federation (the body now replacing the International Association for the Study of Obesity, and the International Obesity TaskForce).

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Mathieu Marty

Dr Mathieu Marty, DDS, Msc, is an assistant professor in the department of paediatric dentistry at Toulouse University Hospital.

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Lea Maes

Lea Maes is doctor in the medical sciences (public health). She is full professor in the Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, University of Ghent, Belgium.

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Artur Mazur

Medical Faculty University of Rzeszów 35-205 Rzeszów ul. Warszawska 26a POLAND


Ellen Moens

Ellen Moens graduated in July 1999 as a Clinical Psychologist at Ghent University (Ghent, Belgium).

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Véronique Nègre

Dr Véronique Nègre, RéPPOP en Franche Comté et CHU Nice – France

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Sophie Nicklaus

Sophie Nicklaus, PhD is a Research Director at INRA, in the Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l’Alimentation, in Dijon, France.

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Emmanuelle Noirrit-Esclassan

Dr Emmanuelle Noirrit-Esclassan, DDS, PhD is senior lecturer in the department of pediatric dentistry at Children’s hospital in Toulouse, France.


Valerio Nobili

“Bambino Gesù” Children Hospital, P.zzle Sant’Onofrio, 4, 00165 Rome Italy Phone: 0039 06/68592807 / Fax: 06/68592807

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Grace O’Malley

Dr. Grace O’Malley, Research Lecturer at Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland; Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist in Paediatrics, Temple Street Children’s University Hospital

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Donal O’ Shea

Endocrinology & Diabetes Mellitus Department St. Vincent’s University Hospital

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Patrick Pasquet

Research Director at the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France) UMR 7206 Eco-Anthropologie et Ethnobiologie CP 135


Sandrine Péneau

Sandrine Peneau is Associate Professor of Nutrition at the Paris 13 University and a Research Associate at the Nutritional Epidemiology Research Team EREN since 2009.

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Luc Pénicaud

Dr. Pénicaud is Research Director at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) since 1989.

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Iris Pigeot

Department of Biometry and Data Management, Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology – BIPS Bremen, Germany

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Siân Robinson

MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit, University of Southampton Southampton SO16 6YD UK


Silvia Scaglioni

Via A. Sangiorgio, 1 20145 Milan

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Valerio Serse

Valerio is a doctoral student in economics at the Center for Operation Research and Econometrics of the Université catholique de Louvain.

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Vassiliki Sinopoulou

Vassiliki Sinopoulou is a PhD student in the Appetite and Obesity research group in the Department of Psychological Sciences, University of Liverpool.

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Piotr Socha

Piotr Socha is a Head of the Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition Disorders Ward in The Children’s Memorial Health Institute in Warsaw.


Grzegorz Telega

Children’s Hospital Of Wisconsin Since 2000 Program director, Liver Transplant Hepatology, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin

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Ewa Malecka-Tendera

Department of Paediatrics, Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes Medical University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland

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David Thivel

David Thivel is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Sports Sciences at Blaise Pascal University (Clermont-Ferrand, France).

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Andrea Vania

Paediatrician since 1986 (graduated in 1982), Full Researcher and Aggregate Professor at the Dept. of Paediatrics and Paediatric Neuropsychiatry of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine of “Sapienza” Rome University.


Sandra Verbeken

Sandra Verbeken graduated in July 2006 as a Clinical Psychologist at Ghent University (Ghent, Belgium).

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Michel Vermorel

Michel Vermorel is engineer in Agronomics (National Agronomy Institute, 1962 Paris) and has a MSc degree in Nutrition Physiology (University of Paris la Sorbonne, 1963).

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Elpis-Athina Vlachopapadopoulou

Dr Vlachopapadopoulou is a member of the Endocrine Society since 1994, of the European Society of Pediatric Endocrinology since 1997 and of the European Society of Endocrinology since 2006.

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Daniel Weghuber

Daniel Weghuber, MD, is an alumni of Vienna Medical School. He is Associate Professor of Pediatrics at Paracelsus Medical School (PMU) in Salzburg, Austria.


Igor Radziewicz-Winnicki

Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Poland Lecturer at the School of Health Sciences of the Medical University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland

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Agnieszka Zachurzok

Department of Paediatrics, Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes Medical University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland