Grzegorz Telega

Grzegorz W Telega, MD Article(s) published in the ECOG eBook:

Children’s Hospital Of Wisconsin Since 2000
Program director, Liver Transplant Hepatology, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin
Associate professor, the Medical College of Wisconsin

Office Locations

Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin-Main Campus
8915 W. Connell Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53226
(414) 266-3690
(877) 607-5280 (appointment)



  • 1989, N Copernicus Academy of Medicine (Krakow, Poland), MD
  • 1997, Schneider Children’s Hospital (NY) – Pediatrics
  • 2000, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia – Ped Gastroenterology
  • Best Doctors for 10 consecutive years since 2003


Recent Publications

  1. Lerret S, Mavis A, Biank V, Telega G.  Respiratory syncytial virus and pediatric liver transplant: one center’s experience.   Prog Transplant.   2013 Sep;23(3):253-7.
  2. Mazur A, Matusik P, Revert K, Nyankovskyy S, Socha P, Binkowska-Bury M, Grzegorczyk J, Caroli M, Hassink S, Telega G, Malecka-Tendera E.  Childhood obesity: knowledge, attitudes, and practices of European pediatric care providers.      2013 Jul;132(1):e100-8.
  3. Telega G, Cronin D, Avner ED.  New approaches to the autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease patient with dual kidney-liver complications.   Pediatr Transplant.   2013 Jun;17(4):328-35.
  4. Greenley RN, Kunz JH, Biank V, Martinez A, Miranda A, Noe J, Telega G, Tipnis NA, Werlin S, Stephens MC.  Identifying youth nonadherence in clinical settings: data-based recommendations for children and adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease. Inflamm Bowel Dis.   2012 Jul;18(7):1254-9.
  5. Loomba RS, Telega GW, Gudausky TM.  Type 2 Abernethy malformation presenting as a portal vein-coronary sinus fistula.   J Pediatr Surg.   2012 May;47(5):E25-31.
  6. Lerret SM, Garcia-Rodriguez L, Skelton J, Biank V, Kilway D, Telega G.  Predictors of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in obese children.   Gastroenterol Nurs.   2011 Nov-Dec;34(6):434-7.
  7. Jensen MK, Biank VF, Moe DC, Simpson PM, Li SH, Telega GW.  HIDA, percutaneous transhepatic cholecysto-cholangiography and liver biopsy in infants with persistent jaundice: can a combination of PTCC and liver biopsy reduce unnecessary laparotomy?   Pediatr Radiol.   2012 Jan;42(1):32-9.
  8. Sultan MI, Biank VF, Telega GW.  Successful treatment of autoimmune hepatitis with methotrexate.   J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr.   2011 Apr;52(4):492-4.
  9. Venkatasubramani N, Telega G, Werlin SL.  Obesity in pediatric celiac disease.   J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr.   2010 Sep;51(3):295-7.
  10. Mazur A, Ostański M, Telega G, Malecka-Tendera E.  Is epicardial fat tissue a marker of metabolic syndrome in obese children?      2010 Aug;211(2):596-600.