Daniel Weghuber

Daniel Weghuber, MD

Article(s) published in the ECOG eBook:

Daniel Weghuber, MD, is an alumni of Vienna Medical School. He is Associate Professor of Pediatrics at Paracelsus Medical School (PMU) in Salzburg, Austria. Clinically, he works as a consultant at the Department of Pediatrics, heading the Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition and the Obesity Research Unit at PMU, focusing on metabolic comorbidities including glucose and fat metabolism (in particular disturbed insulin sensitivity and secretion) and phenotypes of preclinical atherosclerosis. Other areas of interest include orthopedic and psychological comorbidities, interdisciplinary diagnostics, mitochondrial genetics, and lifestyle and pharmacological treatment of childhood obesity. He currently is Vicepresident of the European Childhood Obesity Group.